PRESS STATEMENT: The Society is convinced the Hong Kong Medical Licensing Examination (HKMLE) is the only fair and reliable mechanism in determining a doctor’s ability to practise in Hong Kong. The Society has deep concerns over the latest proposed amendments to the Medical Registration Ordinance and the affects on patient care.
The Legislative Council has again raised for discussion possible changes to the current mechanism for non-locally trained doctors to practice medicine in Hong Kong. With regards to that topic, our Society believes it is of utmost importance that we retain a high standard of medical practice in Hong Kong. The Society strongly supports keeping Hong Kong’s exam, and maintaining high professional standards. Please see our press release for further details.
作為由海外受醫學訓練的醫生,能夠經過嚴謹執業試考核而為香港市民服務,感到非常榮幸。 本會歡迎非本地訓練醫生以同一專業途徑來港執業, 齊心為香港市民服務。
本會非常願意與政府溝通,協助改善現行制度,以及改善醫管局工作環境, 吸引更多非本地訓練醫生來港執業,但前提是醫生專業需要受到尊重,奉行專業自主,保持香港高水準的醫療水平。
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Medical Licentiate Society of Hong Kong
4/F Duke of Windsor Social Service Bldg, 15 Hennessy Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong